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This is a one day intensive course on R programming techniques. The course is structured as a set of lecture sessions and computer practicals. It mainly covers the basic programming tools in R, such as functions and control structures, i.e. conditional expressions and loops. The target audiance for the course include a wide range of applicants e.g., statisticians, biologists, clinicians and postgraduate students.
This course assumes all participants have basic concepts of R, as covered by the 'Introduction to R' course. It is highly recommended that a participant attends the 'Introduction to R' course, followed by this course. Both courses together form a series titled 'Mastering Data Analysis & Visualisation Using R'.
Dr. Osama Mahmoud, Senior Research Associate (Research Statistician), School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, UK.
The R package associated with this course is hosted by the drat repository. Installing the package can be simply done by running the following code lines into your R session.
install.packages("sscmRprogramming", type="source")
The package can then be loaded via